Monday, June 7, 2010

Movie notes

• For over a century the Medici had run Florence
• Jovanio would try for the papacy
• Michelangelo would brake new boundaries in art
• the Medici would bring Florence to a collapse
• 1501 Michelangelo began a large sculpture
• It would take three years to finish the sculpture - David
• Made a small model and took water level away to help him carve the block
• He moved in with the Medici
• Medici controlled all of Florence
• He was raised with the heirs of the Medici
• Jovano and Julio were brought up together for church life
• Medici marks wiped off street and heirs cast into exile
• The cousins roamed through Italy trying to get back into powers
• Michelangelo in 1504 revealed his work
• Put outside public governmental building/became symbol of overbearing Medici
• Show Florence after slaying the Medici
• He new that the medici were contrary to the what is needed for florence
• The pope helped the cousins assemble an army
• Leonardo began collecting corpses and dissected them (not appreciated by church)
• The two artists brought face to face - decorate council walls with frescos
• 1512 armed soldiers went to Tuscany and headed to florence guided by the medici cousins
• Machiavelli mobilized and equipped thousands to make a national army
• Machiavelli was wiped out by papal soldiers
• Medici won control back over there city
• Pope Julius II died
• Medici more welcomed as new popes
• Cardinal Juvanio became pope Leo X
• For the 1st time the pope was born in florence
• His cousin Julio is now a Medici cardinal
• Popes above all earthly power
• Had elaborate meals (65 coursers)
• Michelangelo was forced into painting the Sistine chapel by the pope (didn't like painting and wanted to be a sculpture)
• Michelangelo became a master of fresco
• 300 figures and stories from the bible
• Greatest work of art from the renaissance
• Ordered him to build tombs for the medici lost family (Guivano and Lorenzo)
• Machiavelli thrown in prison and tortured / exiled from city (wrote a hand book for dictators, the prince)
• Separated ethics from politics
• Group of cardinal tried to assassinated the pope / they were executed
• Leo sold Vatican jobs to trusted / sold papal indulgences / had bankrupted papacy
• Sale of salvation made a lot of money for the pope / lifted out of debt
• Martin Luther was horrified 1517 - manifest for change published (95 thesis attacking pope)
• start of a revolution
• Manifesto made its way back to Leo / he didn't care
• Luther excommunicated him and dammed him to hell
• Protestant revolution split church in two
• Pope died and Julio was crowed pope
• Soldiers were Lutherans and sacked Rome
• Pope escaped and pope Clemet VII caged in his castle St Angelo
• Very violent sacking

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