Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rome review

Ancient History Sourcebook:
Tacitus: The End of the Republic
"Tacitus begins the Annals by describing how the civil war and proscriptions (mass executions of political opponents) had destroyed the Republic. "
At the end of the empire augustus took control after most of the leader were gone. Rome was in caos and coruption and rivalry were spread amung the armies.

Ancient History Sourcebook:
Polybius (c.200-after 118 BCE):
The Battle of Cannae, 216 BCE
Canabal was on the march towards the roman empire. The romans turned to Aemilius. The men gathered to fight"eight citizen legions and eight allied legions combined--about 90,000 men". When the arnies met hanibal was out numbered. He brought the romans in close and then. Lybians attacked them from the sided (heavy armed calvery).Ameilis died after he and canibal joined the troops in battle. Called the battle of cannae. Ten thousand romans were captured.

Ancient History Sourcebook:
Suetonius (c.69-after 122 CE):
De Vita Caesarum, Divus Iulius
(The Lives of the Caesars, The Deified Julius), written c. 110 CE
Julius ceasers life. his first campagn was in asia. Hr served as military tribune. He devored"Cornelia he took to wife Pompeia". he was elected pontifex maximus after bribing them. He fougt in germany agaist the rebelious tribes there. After many great victories he died at the age of 56.

Livy's History of Rome, Book 1:
The Earliest Legends
The first part of the source is about the birth of troy and how the troagans spread out and strated wars. Then it progresses to later Roman legdes like romulus and Remus.

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