Friday, May 28, 2010

Greek sources

Pausanias (fl.c.160 CE): Description of Greece: Book I: Attica (Athens and Megara)

This source is about "Pausanias' description of each city with a synopsis of its history followed by an account of the monuments in topographical order. He also discusses local daily life, ceremonial rituals, legend and folklore. His main concentration is on artistic workd from the glories of classical Greece, especially religious art and architecture. That he can be relied on for building and works which have since disappeared is shown by the accuracy of his descriptions of buildings which do survive."
There are many beutiful temples in greece like the ones to Athena, artimis, and Zeus. There is a long history of the rebellions, wars, and other important events that influenced greek history.

Ancient History Sourcebook:
The Persians Reject Democracy/Darius' State


Solon: Select Fragments

Excerpts from Thucydides
1) Pericles' Funeral Oration Pericles' Funeral Oration
2) The Mitylenian Debate The Mitylenian Debate
3) The Melian Dialogue The Melian Dialogue

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