Ancient Olympics were held during the Homer was born. They were used to develop military skills and the winner was thought to be chosen by the gods. Also they were used to get men in shape. The games included races, boxing, wrestling, and the pancration. Large animal sacrifices were made during the games to honour Zeus. Women didn’t get to participate in these main Olympics. They had their own that were preformed later. Men participated in theses competitions nude. Most women couldn’t go to the men’s Olympics. Temporarily athlete’s superhuman feats of strength made them more important in society.
The modern Olympics are different today. They have been expanded to winter games and many new sports and competitions have been added. Also women can participate in Olympics although they are in the some games they don’t compete when the men do. Also women can watch the Olympics. The Olympics don’t honour Zeus and no sacrifices are made. The Olympics are no longer done in the nude but the participants are still honoured for their feats of strength. They are still used to get people into shape.
The Olympics: Ancient versus Modern. Web. 11 Feb. 2010. http://ow.ly/156BA.
Picture source:
Olympia-mosaic.jpg. Web. 11 Feb. 2010.< http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Olympia-mosaic.jpg.
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