Monday, February 22, 2010

Notes 2/22/10 west civ proj

  • 480 B.C is the beginning of the Classical age.
  • 1/4 of the total popultation of Greece live in Athens in moder times
  • at the base of acripolise is the sacred grove of Dionicis which leads into the theater
  • every year playwrites must submit 4 plays to be preformed in the theater of Dionicis
  • theater and religion were conected for the start in Athens
  • nike is the greek word for victory
  • temple of athena nike is the fist monumnet in the acropolis
  • parthonon is a doric temple built in 480 B.C.
  • parthonon was built with funds from the persian war
  • pericles was a famous general that descided greece should build a navy with the war funds, also build up athens as the protector city and created the athenian league, and he also set up new building plan on the acropolis
  • inside the parthanon was a freeze of a festival (panathania festival - celebration for all of Athens)
  • classical age gives us pholosiphy, the arts, music, painting, and sculpture
  • democricy was expiremented with (all free male citizens must take part)
  • males were required to fight for you city
  • persians lead by Xerxes

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