Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Notes 2/24/10 west civ proj

  • During persian wars Athens and Sparta came together and defeated Persians in 480 B.C
  • Sparta became the domonent partner
  • Sparta then chalenges the Athenians and they go to war
  • they battle of the plaines of Attica with hoplit warfare
  • Athenians built the long walls / from harbor to city about 10 mi.
  • carts would travel all the way alsong the long walls to deliver goods
  • walls were great defence
  • if athenians enter the walls and Sparta comes then they are trapped in the long wall
  • plague spreads
  • Spartans leave and athenians have to clean up after the outbreak
  • Athenians have large navy
  • Alcibiades comes up with idea to invade sicily (sicilian expidition/greatest low points in Greece history)
  • Alcibiades was blamed for an act of mass vandalism in athens night befor leaving
  • herm at intrance of every home (statue) smashed
  • He leaves and alcibiades is conviced of the act and a broat sent to get him
  • he goes to Sparta instead
  • spartan forces at sicily and all athenian ships sunk
  • Athens will never be as strong

  • Aristotle took on an eprintence, Alexander
  • Alexander could see mt olimpus when he was growing up
  • king of Masidom (philip) was alexanders father
  • philip dies at 19
  • Alexander goes to greece get revence on people who killed his father
  • Alexander descides to be the fist one to incade and conqer persia
  • he succeds and ruled most of known world
  • He startes in troy but nothing there (simbolism counts)
  • windes up in the town gordian
  • ledgend that if not could be untied he could be the conqerer of the world
  • he took his sword and chops the not in half
  • he said it doesn't matter how you untie the not
  • Alexander comes to egypt and they like him because he hates persia
  • He takes some people and goes to Sima
  • oricle there and the prest greets him as the sun of God

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