Thursday, February 25, 2010

Notes 2/25/10 west civ proj

Alexander the great

  • goes to Palistine and heads to Persepolis (anchient capitol of Persia)

Battle of Issus

  • meets Derius' fources at the river issus
  • flankes Derius' weak archers with calvery
  • battle won by alexander in only about 2 min
  • Derius gives the kingdom to alexander
  • alexander wins the trust form persia by hunting down the man who betreid Derius
  • fallows Bessus and has his nose, ears, and toung cut off and hen sends him back to persia o be impales
  • greeks thougt earth ended around central asia and then there was an ocean
  • he then goes south to india
  • alexander gets an arow shot through he lung in india but suvives
  • constant resistence in India
  • alexander agrees to go home
  • alexander was changed by persia (he takes a persian wife and dresses as a persian king/ his men also take persian wives)
  • In babilon he loses friend in acident becomes depressed
  • he becomes ill and dies at age 32
  • alexanders empire is split up between the generals
  • seleucid empire is eastern part of alexamder's empire
  • Ptlolemaic egypt (greek descendents of ptolemy will rule egypt)
  • hellenistic civilization

picture from

Battle issus initial.gif. Web. 25 Feb. 2010.

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