Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Notes 4/14/10 west civ proj

  • Church is focusing of the last judgment (year 1000 end of the world)
  • most people illiterate and employed as farmers
  • aristacrat owns land and he has serfs to work on it
  • pirates descended on the coast of england
  • people sold there children into slavery
  • much inequality and could move up in society
  • 90% were serf who worked for eristocracy, clergy, and king
  • every live had an exact price which depended on status
  • cow worth 5 shilling and pesent worth 200 and nobles worth 1,200 shillings
  • three fixed order, 5% monks/preast and 5% nobles and knights, and those who worked on the bottom
  • gentilmen was something in you genes
  • serf chouldn't be married without lords permission/ they can be owned,sold, and punished
  • runaway pesents were put in stocks

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