Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Notes 4/21/10 west civ proj


  • the black death - desease spread through europe

  • killed 20 million in 2 years

  • bacillian pestice - in 1338 this bacteria left its natural habitat

  • using the blood stream of black rats and its fleas the plague spread

  • went from chinna across to europe

  • in cathar a was was between muslims and cristians

  • in mungle army plague erropted

  • the prince who was seiging had catipults leaded with dead infected by plague

  • the rats on boats then carried it to italy and europe

  • in 1348 europe was over populated

  • people turned to priests for comfort

  • no one was safe / highly contagious

  • some survived

  • blisteres and boils grew larde and were very painfull and it only lasted 3 days

  • they were dead by the 4th

  • believed that it was hell on earth

  • hundreds died every day

  • hundreds at a time duried in plaque pits

  • ships were fastest way the plague spread

  • plague stread in all directions fro the traid ruits

  • avingyand, France - believed that configuartion of the stars caused this

  • philosiphers advised that infected air cleaned with fire

  • pope sat between large fires

  • pope was protected

  • Disheriac recorded his symptoms and tried to help those in the plague

  • he found out that there were two times of plague one more infectious

  • pope said that there can be disection of bodies

  • pope incouraged the flagelents

  • they romed country side and flagilated themselves

  • jews acused of poisinging water and they were masicured

  • flagilents were stomped out and descention was started in the church

  • by 1350 the plague was finished and killed 1/3 of europes population

  • turning point

  • increased faith in god but churches doughted

  • cause was mistery intile 19th century

  • fleas were the transferes and rats the carriers

  • plague haunted europe every few deacades nut not as sevear


  • less faith in the authority and power of the church

Black death (monty python)

  • death carts werent through streets calling bring out your dead

  • they charges a fee to take the bodies

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