Monday, April 26, 2010

Notes 4/26/10 west civ proj


  • during the childrens cruisade many died
  • the first cruisade was a disaster
  • in the 13th century they were then kicked out of the holy land after occupation
  • curing this time France became the kingdo m of france
  • france split inot kingdoms
  • Capetians unified france
  • Capetians have close ties to church
  • why cathedral when up in france
  • english have many french ties so there artetecture was enfluences

  • in england after normans showed up more land was owned
  • plantagenes - land owners
  • england ruled by them and french people

  • Spain was ocuped
  • moracu - islamic influence
  • mores invade spain in 4th century
  • muslims rule for 700 years
  • library of alexandria in egypt burned down
  • constantinope taken over by muslims and turned into city of istanbull
  • all knolegde in constantinope lost
  • library of alexandria knoledge lost
  • when north africa colonized by muslims then knolegde base on europe shrinks
  • mistake made in starting cruisdaes was getting Jerussalum back
  • instead they made muslims inot the enamy
  • popes and kings of england and france had called for cruisades
  • result is europe plunged into dark ages
  • muslim world when into new light
  • they gained all knoledge from ancient world and became more powerfull
  • islamic world became more advance

  • french lead a cruisade inpot morish spain
  • have andvance culture and aristotle
  • europeans had los this knolegde
  • morrs have rast libreries about this knoledge

Little renosance

  • diale tic for of philosophy about logic when aristatle re introduced into thought
  • by middle of 12th ce ntury all mojot seceintific disciplen was wound and brought back
  • aristotle - everything works in a systamatic way
  • logic seperate from religion
  • arabs, muslims, and morrs had this knoledge
  • cruisades come into spain and they find the knoledge of the anchients
  • secret to logic unlocked creating little renesance
  • logic defeats superstition
  • muslims and europeans fighting so they din't talk baout philosophy
  • abalard and heloise - love story

English mix languages with the French

anglo saxaons entroduced to christianity by the normans

british art work - sacred atifacts (religous art)

french art - sacred artifacts (stained glass, sculpture)

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