May be on mid term
- See for time line
- All in england
- Normans compile Doomsday book in 1087
- william Rufus (willimas son) invades Wales
- Henry I (Rufus' son) rules 1100 - 1135
- first cruisade urged by pope Urban II 1099
- 1118 - kights templar founded (monastic order protected pilgrims in holy land)
- 1147 - second cruisade
- 1154 - 1189 King henry II
- 1156 - Krenlin built
- 1158 - Hanseatic lead founded
- 1184 - Inquesition begins (briutal many tourtured and died)
- 1170 - Thomas Becketis murdered in Canterbery Cathedral
- 1189 - 1199 Richard I (lion hearted/died in cruisades)
- 1190 - third cruisade begins (salidin unites muslins/recapture jerusalim)
- 1199 - 1216 king john startes 4th cruisade (not liked) saked Constantinople
- 1212 - childrens cruisade
- 1215 - magna carta signed (forced king John to fallow law) means great charter
- kings are no longer above the law/begining of constitutional democracy
- 1216-1272 king Herny III (son of John) provisions of oxford/had to make new government
- athorities are distustede
- 1272 - 1327
- 1273 - Holy Roman Empire - Rudulph I elected
- pope in italy / holy roman empire up north/ France/ england/spain most powerful
- 1274 - Thomas Aquines Summa Theologies published
- 1295 - marco polo
- 1297 - william walace - scotish resistence in england
- 1307 nights templar rounded up and killed
- 1311-1315 great famine in europe crops died
- 1337 - King edward the III england and france hundrend years war (valois and Plantagenent)
- england and france more nationalized (become country) and can colect taxes from all the people
- Italy still city states
- england and france stronger than italy (less civil wars)
- pope can unify italy
- hundred yeras war three parts
- edwardian war 1337 - 1360
- caroline war 1369-1389
- lancastrian war 1415 - 1429
- 1346 - battle of Crecy
- 1347 - black death breaks out (20 to 40% died i n 1st year)
- 1356 - battle of Piotiers
- 1377 -1399 Richard II
- canterbaery tailes written 1380 by Chaucer
- 1381 - peasents revult england
- 1382 - bibble in english translation (old french,latin, old english mixed)
- 1399-1314 king henry IV
- 1413 - 1422 King henry V (well regarded and recorded by shakespear)
- henry V defeates french at Agincourt
- 1422 - 1461 Henry VI
- 1429 - joan of Arc
- 1434 - Medici family in florence (influenced culture,art,banking)
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