- major probelm for Brunaleski - vertacle and horazonlat brick work to keep dome from falling
- Brunaleski laid some of the bricks and inspected them
- in 1436 - dome was completed (great achienvment)
- greatest achetectual feat in western world
- used more than 4 million bricks
- council of florence - celebration of dome and art
- brought together more artist and thinkers than ever befor
- Cosimo invited people from all over the continent (godfather for people of florence)
- Cosimo causious eventhough he brought the city back
- he baptized and buried ason and grand some
- declaired father of the father land after his death
Part II
- by mid 15th century the Medici had begun the renaisance
- Lorizo de megnifico
- rival families wanted to take contol of the city
- Juliano and Lorenzo heirs to Medici dinesti
- Assisins wanted to kill the boss
- Medici generated hatred in citizen class
- needed alies outside of Florence
- maried dauter of a Roman baran to strenghan family
- Florience was cultural factory were artists competed for work
- Medici descovered new artist Sandri Botticelli
- Botticelli painted nativity with medici and himself in it
- Lorenzo's father died and he was given control
- he doen't want to be the leader (most powerful man in florence)
- Lorenzo knows that the mases can change things, he offered help to those in Florence
- network of metual favors spead across tuskani
- Medici had fresco in palace with the family and friend as part of biblical maji prossesion
- Lorenzo brought up a scholar
- World dominated by secular freedom
- Botticelli under protection of Medici
- createed new type of art (the spring) pure fanticy inspired by poetry and fueled by imagination
- expression of new golden age
- Pazzi new banking family /2nd richest family that is older and more noble
- Pazzi marjinalized and try to totaly aliminate medici rivals
- Church in deapt to Medici so they suported patzi
- Lorenzo and his brother needed to be elininiated
- people of florence gather for holy celibration
- both men in cathedral so they were going to be killed
- Juliano stabed 19 times but lorenzo couldent be found
- medici supporters in sourch rage that plan was foiled
- supporters of medici exacted revnge
- Pope ordered elimination of medici
- 1479 arrives in naples and deal struck
- enemie troops called off and florence saved from distruction
- Lorenzo hailed the magnificent by people
- worked to protect medici and be adopted son of his brother
- all ledgislation under his controle
- commisoned work from a studio owed by Verrocio
- Lorenzo found Leonardio Da Vinci and his talent couldn't be ignored
- Vinci used new oils and reflected detail of natural world
- Botticelli took his new style to extreams (birth of Venus)
- best known for pegan mythologies
- A monk (Salmonarora) looked down on all un religious art focused of lorenzo as creater of all Italy's sin
- 1487 lorenzo's wife died from TB
- 1488 established art shcool with his sculptures to study
- Michaleangilo was descovered and Lorenzo helped him /given room in his palace
people discused in movie
- medici ruled in florence throughout the Renesance
- Florence lead by wealthy families in city
- smaller city in rome
- powerfull in lae 14th century (had a powerfull bank backed by the pope/pope going to make medici pank the papal bank)
- Pope most powerfull person
- Giovanni ws the one who started the bank
- his son Cosimo had the dome of the florence cathedral built (largest covered domed area in all of the world)
- Cosimo son was
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