- Lorenzo survived assasination
- he becomes most powerful man in florence /takes control of government
- Leonardo Da Vinci was a very skilled artist/refelcted detail of natural world
- Biticelli to style to new extreams ( birth of vinice/celibration of human desire)
- he was best known for pegan mythologies
- savonarola - dominican monk aposed lorenzo
- took a dim view of anything not religious art
- july 29 1487 clrichan - loenzo's wife died of TB at 34
- found solace in art 1488 established 1st clasical art school
- Michael angelo at 13 found in art school by lorenzo/given room at medici palace
- grew up with lorenzo's 7 children
- Michael angelo aplied himself to religious subjects but drawn to classical ledgends
- political and funancial breaking point
- Florence reached new heights of culture but not tight grip on medici bank
- Families network falling apart
- more people asking for favors then being given
- lorenzo fell ill
- at 16 jovano de medici was a cardnel (cost lorenzo fortune
- lorenzo was dying and called savonarola to death bed
- he damed lorenzo
- at 43 lorenzo died and feared eternal damnation
- savonarola took chance to change city
- artists then embraced christianity
- prositiuted beaten and homosexuals burned
- no makeup alowed to be worn
- Savonarola enforced this with ganges of people on the street
- massive burning of things part of lorenzo's renesance
- boticelli hurled his own paintings inot flames
- called bond fire of the vanities
England notes
- King henry askes pope for a devorce because his wife can't produce an heir
- he splits from the church
- Elizebeth I 1559 took thrown
- perfected art of deplomacy
- she was daugter of hink henry VIII and ann bloine (2nd wife)
- elizebeth sent to hathfield at seperat residence for her to grow up
- mary was older child of prevos wife/disagreaments between parents
- only lawfull ares are now daugters of Anne
- Plaut hatched to despose of her
- Elizebeth considered basterd like her sister
- elezebeth very secretive, proud, intelegent
- Jane gave henry his son but died when he was born
- elizebeth given all the education that brother edward got
- Elizebeth adored her father
- henry aging rabidly, overweight and had blood claught in leg
- Henry died 1547 and edward ruled with council at 10
- elizebeth stayed with cathren par
- Semore wanted to mary elizebeth but rejected
- he wanted to use elizibeth for power
- Semore would romp in bed with elizebeth
- emotianaly damaged
- cathoren par died from child birth and semore then went after elizebeth
- Semore exicuted
- Semore scandal ended and she could visit Edward (not catholic)
- elizebeth dresses in fancy clothingEdward died and struggle for throne
- Mary took throne
- elizebeth runing own houshold / loved to be out in open air
- Mary tried to make england catholic and tried to marry philip of spain
- rebels tred to get elizedeth to thrown 1554
- put in tower of london for a few months
- mary met with elizebeth
- philip returned to spain
- in 1557 campain against french desaster
- mary alowed elizedeth to be queen with death
- elezebeth new monarch at 25 in 1558
- she had quick temper
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