In this article writt
en be Stephen Hawking He considers the possibility of alien life. He asks if we should really be trying to contact life from another world. This threat could have negative consequences for humans as a species. He says,"aliens might simply raid Earth for resources, then move on" (Stephen Hawking). Aliens might not want to be friends with us and share there advanced technologies. They might be a violent civilization roaming around and taking advantage of other civilizations. It is not a good idea to contact these aliens. There presence might even give us alien gems or diseases that we aren't immune to. The possible negative consequences could out way the cost of finding advanced life forms.
"Don't Tell The Aliens We're Here, Stephen Hawking Says; They Might Not Be Friendly. Web. 05 May 2010.
Picure source:
"File:Starsinthesky.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 05 May 2010.
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