- Cosimo de medici (humble beginings/power came at a price)
- medici will pay for the greatest artists and thinkers
- michalanego, Bunaleski, Leonardo, Galolao
- medici God father's of renesance
- hidden in church - knoledge
- cosimo searched for lost secrets from ancient world
- exitement from the about the past
- knolegde taken back to florence
- florence - repulic and major trading city (place to be)
- Medici bank - small scale operation manajed by Juvani De Medici (rose up from poverty)
- had ambitions to enter the vatican and become pope
- Medici suported Casa through priest hood (Casa was a pirate)
- he was elected pope John III
- new pope needed bank he could trust (God's bankers)
- Medici joined groupe of powerful florinines
- old church meant to have largest dome (needes to be completed)
- medici will complet it (searched for achivments from the past
- brunaleski is the man they turned to (he was genious)
- he was unorthedox and had little friends
- ist time true colums were used for support since anchient times (sparked achetectual revolution)
- only the begining for the medici
- church authorities desperate (wanted Brunaleski's ideas but he din't tell them)
- Brunaleski won the camision
- Panthion lardest free standing dome
- Bunaleski studied this building and got clues from it
- Panthion gave up secrets (used ideas to creat dome reinforced like a barell
- health of Cosimo's father failing (1429 Juvano De Medici died)
- custon said is body taked through wall of home and then hole filled in
- rival family fighting would threaten to drag florence back to middle ages
- had reverse gear so oxen could pull up pillars of pome
- Cosimo transported a lot of munny out of city
- Cosimo at merci of enomies, Albitzi
- vote taken and cosimo found guilty (faced exicution)
- cosimo life spared (paid jailers)
- medici bank stoped and city slowed
- without money people of Florence turned on Albitzi
- people atacked govenment building Agents of pope came and cosimo's excile was over
- Cosimo given contole over city and Albitzi punished
- he now contoles laws, peace, war (almost a king)
- dome was built up more and bank grew (branches everywere)
- medici bank most profitable bank in europe
- he comisioned best crastsment of age
- wealth transformed inot presige and power (600,000 golden florence for patronage)
- artist need patron (only made art when comisioned)
- tolerated dificult artists so they were happy and made better work
- Brunaleski say world like no one esle (developed linear perspective
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