Monday, March 1, 2010

Notes 3/1/10 west civ proj

Roman Empire


  • was the last surviving warrior of Troy
  • leads his people from Troy through the Mediterranean to Carthage in North Africa
  • Dido falls in love with Aeneas.
  • He must leave to fufill the will of the Gods and they go to Italy
  • Dido commites sucide
  • The troagans fight the people Latins in Italy and win
  • Greeks have control over most of Italy
  • Troagans set up Alba Longa as their main city (the kings rule from here)

Romulus and Remus

  • Romulus and Remus were raised by a she wolf
  • they declair war on each other
  • Romulus wins and founds Rome
  • Rome becomes the new capitol
  • Etruscan civilization was north of Rome and they rule it for several generations
  • Tarquin VI rapes a roman nobles wife
  • Lucius Junius Brutus leads romans against the Tarquin kings


  • founding of roman republic 509 B.C.
  • the lower class threatens to rebel
  • the tribune of the plebs is the one seat created in the senate that is a lower class (he has the right of veto)
  • this creates checks and balances
  • Roman army takes the land in the rest of italy
  • the army set up a governor, a betalian, and a tax colector for the conqered city
  • the roman army recruites young men from the vilages (30 years of service and then givenland to retire)
  • Epirus was ruled by Pyrrhus (greek king)
  • Pyrrhus invades rome in 280 B.C. in southern italy and then up to rome
  • He defeates the roman army but loses the war
  • Pyrrhus loses to many men to claim the victory
  • in 264 B.C. in Sardinia they tell rome that Carthage is attacking them
  • Rome startes a war against Carthage has 3 punic wars

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