Monday, March 8, 2010

Notes 3/8/10 west civ proj

Growth of Roman power

  • villa culture develops

  • split between rich and poor

  • patrician built fancy country houses/some were in the bay of Naples

  • subura is were the rest of the people lived

  • in the 1st century the Romans patricians were very rich

  • the houses on the bay showed how elegant the architecture and art was

  • the Graccihi brothers were assasinated and was the fist political assasination in Rome

  • optimares were the rich seniters

  • the populares were concerned with the welfare of the people

  • in 95 B.C. the states around rome revult againt the paricians called the social war

  • Marius and Sulla put down the rebelian but they have there own standing armies

  • Marius is in Rome and Sulla descides to march on Rome

  • Marius defeats him and pushes Sulla out of Rome

  • Julius Caesar was born in 100 B.C.

  • Caesar become senetar

  • men running for Consulship need suport from the parcician

  • Julius goes to Rome and gets the vot from the plebians and he wins the senate

  • The proconsul was the governor

  • Caesar was sent to be governor of gaul (were the celtic tribes live)

  • He conquers all of Gaul in 6 years

  • Ceasar needs to come back to Rome and face a trial because he wasn't given permision to conquer Gaul

  • he crosses Rubocome (river) and takes his troops to Rome

  • The senetar use Pompey to try and fight off Caesar

  • this begins a sevel war

  • at pharsalus Creasar defeats Pompey's army

  • Pompey is assasinated in Egypt

  • great respect between Generals

  • Caesar din't want Pompey to be decapitated

  • Cleapatra is the last in the line of leaders who deseded from alexanders generals

  • Caesar was declared dictator for life

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