Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Notes 3/17/10 west civ proj

Vikings continued
  • the first viking rade was at lindusfarm (a manistary on the coast of England attacked in 793)
  • described as the devils from hell being released
  • rikings were raiders not soldiers
  • viking worrier was dressed in leather hide/ armor with knif sword and battle ax (most fearson)
  • coastal monistaries were perfect targets/ large amount of wealth
  • vikings looked for silver
  • Europe has many large river/ perfect for viking long ships
  • christians were victons of masicure/vikings conquer all in path/unstopable
  • Charlse kings of france bribes vikings but more come back
  • Eric the red and leaf ericson settle Iceland
  • Greenland was colonized/very harsh land
  • government - community of freemen that come together for descisions
  • Leaf Erison descovers america in 1000 when he is blown off course
  • Newfoundland colony onlt lasts 10 years
  • Leaf Ericson Christianizes the colones/unites vikings
  • set up fire and berserver could cross pegan fire but not christian one
  • Herald

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