Monday, March 15, 2010

Notes 3/15/10 west civ proj

  • Hadrian expands the empire to its larges ta nd limits it to the north

  • Marcus Aurilius limits the empire to the west

  • under Clodius the empire begins to clash

  • first african emperor of rme was Septimius Severus e mpire stablizes

  • under his son, Caracalla begins the time when roman generals ruled rome

  • all the general fight for power (soldier emperors)

  • no control until Diocletian in 284 changes the for of government inot a Dominata

  • tetrarchy - 2 people control eastern part and 2 control the west

  • this creates civil war

  • the 2 most powerful tetrarchs are Maxentious and Constantine

  • they battle called the battle of the Milvian bridge on october 28, 312

  • constantine wins the battle

  • constantine saw a vision in the sky of the chi ro (p and X fist letters of christ) his solders paint it on their shields

  • Constantine makes christianity legal as a resault

  • christianity became dominent religion for the roman empire and all of europe

  • He also moves the copitol to constantinople (istanbull) in Turckey

  • and when the roman empire colapes this city is where the bysantine empire begins

Late antiqity


  • solder emporers

  • rise of christianity

  • rise of constantine

  • movement of the capitol

  • visigoths attaching Rome (city) and falls in 476

Two views

  • roman empire ended

  • roman empire turned into modern europe

Early christianity

  • early christianity was ilegal

  • their art was neutral

  • you need to know the code to understand the art

  • Roman Catacombs - systum of caves that early christian hid in

  • dipiction of jesus is different in modern times

  • used symboles

Bysantine age

  • leader Justinian

  • art showing he has the church and the army

  • he has both streagth of the chruch and the army/ needed to be a sucessful ruler

  • much different from the roman empire

  • Constantinople grows into a major city

  • Hagia Sophia Jesus - imagry of christ more modern eastern representation (in a mosque modernly)

  • turks convert that church inot a mosque

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