Monday, March 22, 2010

Notes 3/22/10 west civ proj

Sumerian culture

  • writting cunaifurm (1st writing form)

  • laws (code of hamurabi)

  • divided time inot min and seconds

  • opened 1st trade routes

  • 4000 years ago died out

  • had giant temple complex- Zigarat

  • hebru scriptures describe garden of idean in mesopatania

  • temperatures at about 120 F

  • mesopatamia - the country between two rivers

  • had once been the cradle of a civilization

  • untle 19th centure didn't know much about the culture

  • a tel was a big mound of dirt that could be covering a descovery


  • King tut was uncovered in the heart of the valley of the kings

  • pharo was god on earth - controled flooding of the nile/

  • have life force - Kah

  • after death you Kah waited until it could go to the after life

  • organs removed/body munified

  • acording to book of the dead heart is weighed against a feather

  • god of death / ocyrus

  • nile floods and makes land fertile

  • flood makes great top soil

  • Herodotus - greek historian (egypt is a gift of the nile)

  • made history into a book

  • 6671 kilameters

  • flows south to north

  • the pharo is responsible for the rising and falling of the nile

  • if no flood the people were angry at the pharo (some assasinations)

  • nile gets larger with each flood


  • lived on Crete

  • took name from king minos

  • palace had large librenth with minatore in it

  • sacrifices made

  • thesius killed minitor

  • 3,500 years ago civilizatio colapsed

  • conosis larges city in europe

  • had roads and running water

  • befor Rome

  • mt thera erupted and center of the island thera when into the sea (santerini)

  • tsunami created and impacted crete

  • sulfure gass created by erruption 36 km into airand created extream climate change

  • cloud stays in atmosphere/ crops fail

  • achiologist said that labrinth under palace might be storage


  • troagan war against greeks

  • menaliasis' wife helen was stolen starting the war

  • this event could have taken place

  • could have been destroyed by an earth quake

  • historian turned illiad inot a map - leads him to turkey/and he finds troy

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