Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Notes 3/3/10 west civ proj

  • wrote history of Persian wars
  • considered father of history
  • went out and talked to people


  • more of a scholar than Herodotus
  • wanted the facts


  • roman historian
  • lived during the time of Augustus
  • wrote history from Romulus and Remus to present
  • book 21 of Livy's history of Rome is the story of Hannibal and the second Punic war

2nd Punic war

(battle of Cannae)

  • Hannibal 's father made his pledge to hate the Romans
  • Takes his army including war elephants over the Pyrenees and the Alps
  • finaly gets to southeast of Rome
  • Rome sends 60000 troops to cannae to attack Hannibal
  • Roman soldiers out number the Carthaginians
  • romans break through and then Hannibal surounds them and send calvelry to the back
  • All the romans died and Hannibal is victorious
  • largest Roman defeat up to that time
  • hannibal fins the battle but he didn't have the fources to seage Rome, the capitol city (piric victory)

(battle of Zama)

  • Romans lead by Scipio Africanas
  • Romans win a vicory after scaring Carthaginian war elephants
  • the elephants ran back into carthaginian
  • Hanibal finaly defeated after 16 years of victories against rome
  • scipio used hannibal strategies to win

3rd Punic War

  • Roman were lead by son of Scippio, Scipio Aemlianus
  • takes troops to meet carthaginians at Carthage
  • the Romans seage the city and completly destroy it
  • Cato the elder ended all his speaches with Carthage must be destroyed
  • Scipio has the city covered with salt and all people killed or enslaved

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